Up until Fri when I did my Crossfit workouts I was "scaling the workout". In each workout the trainer gives a recommended weight for men and a recommended weight for women. Being the "macho man" that I am I couldn't uses the girls recommended weight but I wasn't able to uses the recommended men's weight either. At least not without gassing out before the workout was over. So my solution was to use something in between. Well Friday's workout was one that I felt pretty comfortable with so I took a stab at the men's weight and I was quite happy with the results. In case I didnt mention it before, for those of you unfamiliar with crossfit. All of these workouts are for time, you go all out with no rest until you are done with the entire workout. No rest between rounds, sets or exercises.
Friday's workout
Warm up
400 meter run
50 Double Unders
20 Cow Grazers
20 Scorpions
20 Leg Swings
20 Shoulder rotations
15 pushups
20 Kettle Bell Swings
3 sets
15 Push presses build more weight for each set
5 Kettlebell swings
200 meter sprint 70%
5 Rounds
10 Push Press 115 pounds
200 meter sprint
10 Kettle Bell Swings 53 pounds
I was quite pleased with my time 9:50
The Years in Review
1 month ago
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