Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2/21/12 WOD

Today's crossfit WOD was pretty good, not ridiculously hard but very challenging. What made it post worthy is I did it "unborken" WOD. Normally I pace myself, slow and steady through the working taking rests at appropriate times so I can keep up a good pace. Today I decide to go balls out, no rest between sets, exercises or rounds. I also decided NOT to pace myself, I just hit the workout at a sprinters pace and ignored my mind screaming at me to slow down. It felt good to really open up.


3 Rounds of

5 Pullups
10 Hand release pushups
15 2 handed overhead kettle bell swings
20 Burpees
25 Double unders

Surprisingly it was the burpees that killed me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That was no easy feat. I struggle with finding the right pace,starting out too slow or fast. I will have to give this a try sometime.
